About Me and the Site

This site is meant to serve as a portfolio for my creative endeavors, as well has a place for blog posts on a variety of topics. My interests include Specialty Coffee, art and design, and engineering. I am the co-founder of a coffee brewer company UFO Dripper LLC, and currently work part-time as a barista at Black and White Coffee Roasters.

In the world of coffee, I’m particularly interested in the scientific approach to brewing, but also agronomy, processing, and roasting. My goal in the industry is to help curate experiences in Specialty Coffee, to open people’s up to what great coffee can be. It’s also important to me to build a sense of community, and so I started the NCSU Specialty Coffee Club, and hope to transition this group into the Triangle Coffee Club.

For visual arts, I generally do pencil sketches as well as pen and ink. Looking to the future, I’d like to do more digital art as well.

Although I’m not currently enrolled, I studied mechanical engineering for two years at NCSU, and have an interest in the engineering field at large. I enjoy learning how things work electrically and mechanically.